Tuesday 1 March 2011

Friday 7 January 2011

My Own Evaluation.

This is my own evaluation of my film trailer.

What have you learnt from you audience feedback ?

In this video you will see I have had some mixed feedback from two media students, the first student has praised my use of music telling me that it is affective and works with the genre that I am trying to go for which is thriller. She has also told me that she thinks it is conventional of this genre which is an excellent comment to be made as I have worked very hard to make my product conventional. Due to these comments I did not just sit back and think 'my product must be fine' I went and got another opinion from another media student.

However these opinions were slightly different to the first ones. This audience feedback told me that she thought that I needed more music to create more atmosphere in the trailer. Also she thought the i needed to carry on my voiceovers and have more of them in the trailer to improve it. This was something I did not want to so as I have purposely used the police voiceover over the drug cutting scene as this leads into the two policemen knocking on the door.

having done these audience feedback i believe that you get so caught up sometimes in your work you can find it hard to criticise ideas that haven't worked. Using other media students who know what they are talking about and know what your trying to do allows them to helpfully criticise you and things they say almost trigger other little ideas and editing ideas in your head. Without doing any feedback I don't think me work would be to this standard.

Whilst working through my product I constantly ask what people think of this idea or that idea, this is also audience feedback although it is not recorded on my blog a simple conversation with my teacher of my class mates about my work gives me some ideas or ways to develop my trailer. An example of this was when i sat down with my teacher to watch my trailer and they said something about slow motion being used in 'Transporter 3' which then made me think about where it would be affective to use slow motion in my trailer. I then decided to use it when the main policeman was knocking on the door, and now I love that scene. It just shows how you can be doing audience feedback without noticing.

Overall I see this process as a vital element of evaluating and improving my media product.

How effective is the combination of your main product and your subsidiary tasks.

All three of my media products should complement each other. My trailer is the most important part of advertising 'Dirty Money' as this is the one that the audience will spend the most time watching. This also allows the audience to get a taster of what the film is going to be like. Whereas the movie poster and Magazine front cover should complement the film, they should be similar to the theme of the film. I Believe that I have done this well as i have taken the main actor from the film 'Mark Drakeford' and used him as my front cover for my magazine. He is also the main feature of my movie poster. I believe that using the same actor for all of my products will allow the audience to start recognising his face which will lead to him being highly associated with 'Dirty Money'.

The movie poster was made around the same design as the 'BadBoys 2' poster, This is a simple poster and tells the audience nothing but the name of the movie, the release date, the two main actors names and finally the production company name. the image I have used has been taken from the trailer, doing this has allowed me to keep the atmosphere of the movie the same and also eliminated any problems with the actors costume, as he is wearing the exact same costume as in the trailer.

Also using the same types of font in the trailer and the movie poster is important as you need to keep a house style. Doing this allows the audience to recognise that the font and the colour used on both the poster and the trailer is the same film. If you did not keep to a house style audiences may be confused and think there are two films with the same name. So i believe having both of these in Orange and in the same font makes it easier for my audience to recognise the film and therefore makes my products more affective.

Overall I believe that my consistency throughout my design process has allowed my products to look professional and also allowed them to look realistic in the film industry. Creating these products has been a challenge as you have to think about every aspect of the media. Advertising, Designing and Production.

Sunday 12 December 2010

'Dirty Money' Finished Trailer

This is my final product. I am more than pleased with what I have produced I can see the improvements from last year.

Monday 6 December 2010


As you can see I have taken my design ideas from the 'BadBoys 2' movie poster. Using a simple picture from the movie allowed me to keep the same intense atmosphere that is in my movie trailer. I have also named the two main actors names as this allows the audience to recognise who is in the film and may persuade them to go and watch the movie. I have also placed these two peices of text in the middle of the poster as this will be the first thing the audience will look at.

Then I have put the release date and the name of the production company on the poster. These two are important as the audience need to know when the film is going to be realised and some of the audience may recognise the production company and relate it with other successful films.


As part of my subsidiary tasks I have constructed a magazine front cover. Whilst doing this I wanted to make my front cover look conventional but still taking into account some of the points that I have mentioned in my blog about having a simple front cover that draws the emphasis to the actor on the front cover.

As you can see I have kept the conventional large masthead at the top of the front cover this was used in both of the magazine front covers that I have analysed, both of these have also had a tag line which relates in some way to the film. Another conventional aspect of my magazine front cover is the house style. keeping to the same colour of font is important as i believe it makes the magazine look more professional and when you have a black and white photo this allows you to be flexible with your choice of colour.

Whilst trying to keep conventional I noticed that on the 'Iron Man' front cover that they had used some small pictures along with the main one. As I did not want to follow and copy exactly what they had done I decided to do a sub story that would allow me to use photos that I have taken and put them onto the front cover.

Although I wanted to keep conventional, I decided to break one of the main conventions which is the date and month that the magazine was issued in. If you look at the 'God Father' front cover there is no barcode or date. This again is the simple look that i find so affective.

Overall I am pleased with my front cover as I believe that it looks a realistic and also has the conventional aspects whilst challenging some of the conventions to help build emphasis to the main photo.