Friday 25 June 2010

Coursework breif

I am stuck between two ideas, I will either choose a music video or a teaser trailer of a film. I have chosen these as I believe that they are the most interesting and they will allow me to add a new piece to my portfolio to take to University interview.

I will research both areas of my chosen options, for example ' looking into conventions of music videos and film trailer. I will then need to plan who and what goes into it. After this I will have to plan my filming schedule to ensure that I meet the deadline. whilst keeping up to date with my blogs.

Depending on the option that I chose I will then have to decide on what locations I will film in. For this I will use some unique and different locations that will make my chosen option stand out from the rest.

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Deciding on my coursework option

After looking at the options for my media coursework I have decided on option two. This is " A promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with two of the following three options" from these options I have chosen to do " a film magazine front cover, featuring the film." and also " a poster for a film ".

I believe that this will allow me to showcase all of the media techniques that I have learnt during AS media and also allow me to adopt some new techniques that I am going to learn in A2 media. Also as I want to carry on studying the production of media at university, I will be able to showcase my interest in the subject and also my ideas.