Sunday 12 December 2010

'Dirty Money' Finished Trailer

This is my final product. I am more than pleased with what I have produced I can see the improvements from last year.

Monday 6 December 2010


As you can see I have taken my design ideas from the 'BadBoys 2' movie poster. Using a simple picture from the movie allowed me to keep the same intense atmosphere that is in my movie trailer. I have also named the two main actors names as this allows the audience to recognise who is in the film and may persuade them to go and watch the movie. I have also placed these two peices of text in the middle of the poster as this will be the first thing the audience will look at.

Then I have put the release date and the name of the production company on the poster. These two are important as the audience need to know when the film is going to be realised and some of the audience may recognise the production company and relate it with other successful films.


As part of my subsidiary tasks I have constructed a magazine front cover. Whilst doing this I wanted to make my front cover look conventional but still taking into account some of the points that I have mentioned in my blog about having a simple front cover that draws the emphasis to the actor on the front cover.

As you can see I have kept the conventional large masthead at the top of the front cover this was used in both of the magazine front covers that I have analysed, both of these have also had a tag line which relates in some way to the film. Another conventional aspect of my magazine front cover is the house style. keeping to the same colour of font is important as i believe it makes the magazine look more professional and when you have a black and white photo this allows you to be flexible with your choice of colour.

Whilst trying to keep conventional I noticed that on the 'Iron Man' front cover that they had used some small pictures along with the main one. As I did not want to follow and copy exactly what they had done I decided to do a sub story that would allow me to use photos that I have taken and put them onto the front cover.

Although I wanted to keep conventional, I decided to break one of the main conventions which is the date and month that the magazine was issued in. If you look at the 'God Father' front cover there is no barcode or date. This again is the simple look that i find so affective.

Overall I am pleased with my front cover as I believe that it looks a realistic and also has the conventional aspects whilst challenging some of the conventions to help build emphasis to the main photo.

Sunday 5 December 2010

Planning my audience feedback

After some thought I am going to use a few methods of presenting my audience feedback. My first idea is to record my audience watching the trailer and see their reaction and then ask then there thoughts on it after. This is a more interactive and interesting way of recording their opinions, rather than just typing it onto here.

Secondly I am going to do a voiceover of the reaction and add this on top of my trailer, this will allow you to see which parts of the film they are referring to without having to look back onto the trailer.

I believe that these two methods are the kind of things I should be doing as a media student, thinking of different ways to present information is key to getting a good grade.


Well due to the unpredictable english weather the small airfield that i planed to use to film my last few shots has been closed due to snow and ice. This is quite annoying but these things happen in the real world. However if I was a multimillion pound company making this trailer I would just CGI my own airfield and my own plane, sadly I am the complete opposite to this so instead I plan to do a shadow shot of the chief contestable giving orders to his two police officers. Which will then lead into the next scene.

Thursday 2 December 2010

Another version, but this time a little slower...

As I have said before i have been trying out some slow motion shots and ive finally found a place which I believe the shot should go and look good without being too random or in some peoples cases they just put shots in the trailer for the sake of it. As I have used the door knocking scene I have been able to slow down this part of the scene and then place it before Mark opens the door.
You will find this below.

Transporter 3 film poster

This is the Transporter 3 film poster and as you can see again this is very simple. THey have used a blank background with an action shot of the main actor. However we can see that they have edited an image of a woman and a car into the middle of the poster which will have been done using photoshop. This poster also has the names of the people who have produced, filmed and distributed it below the film title. There is also a tag line above the film title which relates to the film, I think that this is a good touch and I may use it in my own poster. I seem to get the impression that the film title is the same font as the main actors name which makes me think that the actor is more important than the films content ?... maybe thats just my thought on the matter.

Badboys 2 film poster

As you can the film poster is simple. It gives the readers the two main actors names in bold and this makes them stand out from the poster. As a poster is not meant to be studied or read for long periods of time, I believe that this poster is very affective as you can see there is action happening from the image, as I love this film I can tell you that this has been taken from the actual movie and photoshoped together. I also like the rugged look that the poster has around the edge.

This has been edited on professional software and produced by professionals. As i will be editing on Microsoft Publisher I will not be able to meet the same quality as this but I can try and use some of their ideas to make them my own. I may chose to do the same as this poster and take screenshots from my trailer. But we will see.

Everyone else is analysing my trailer so im going to jump on the band wagon

As I am working around two stimulus's 'Badboys 2' and 'Transporter 3' I have made a list of things that appear in both of these trailers that I believe would be effective and conventional for my trailer, also in this list you will find ways that I have improved my trailer from the last editing these are;

Transitions like badboys 2
Shorten drug lines scene
Shorten mark coming down the stairs
Cut in half mark coming down stairs then one man one job in the middle
Really fast montage in the middle
Cut after 'we know your in there'
More music, atmospheric
Quiet bits with more diolouge
Names of actors all capitals (sound effects)
From producer
Love interest story
Maybe flash cut in the middle of scenes
Titles at end
Voice over before the knock at the door…

Transporter 3:
Flash cuts
Atmospheric music
Slow motion
Thrash guitar

All of these factors i believe will improve my trailer and I will be working towards these over the next week.

But so far i believe that my trailer is looking conventional and the variety of shots that I have used creates a high quality and I believe it helps with the atmosphere of the trailer. The music i have chosen has a lot of guitar in it as I believe that this builds up the tension in the trailer. The use of my voiceovers create the conventional feel to the trailer as we rarely watch a film trailer without a voice over. You may notice I have used alot of flash cuts, these are again conventional but I also feel that they give a fast and exiting feel to the trailer which is one of the main aims that I wanted to create whist editing and shooting my trailer.
Overall I am more than happy with my progress and It will be completed shortly.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Audience reviews

having conducted an audience review with a voice over I have found that my feedback has been positive and that my audience liked how I had edited the piece and also they thought that my trailer is looking conventional which is what I am aiming for. As the filming in not quite finished I believe it is important to do this now as I can now plan my other shots around what is liked and not liked from my audience. This is a very simple but affective way of getting feedback.


Classification and age rating

For my trailer I think it would be appropriate to rate it as a acceptable for all users, which is why I have put this at the beginning of my trailer. As you can see below there is a range of different ratings trailers do not tend to have a rating they are either acceptable for all viewers and are put onto t.v or if the trailer is not, for example the Human Centipede then the trailer will be put on the films website which should then have an age requirement.

These ratings are not as important to trailers but to films they are a big factor as these will determine your target market if you are making a 15 rated film you need to target audiences from 15 and above so the content must be acceptable.

An editing idea...

Thinking about trying to use some green screen footage in my trailer. This will be used with a voiceover and will show the chief of police briefing the two officers. This will go over the drug cutting clip and I think will lead nicely into the next scene as we see the two policemen at the door.

Having never used green screen to film footage this will be a new test for me. I will have a go tomorrow and upload my attempt.