Monday 5 July 2010

Inception Trailer

This is the url of the new thriller film called Inception. After watching this trailer I have got some good ideas that I can use and apply on my trailer. This trailer uses music the entire way through, it changes volume and also speed to fit with the trailer. I will also use this in my trailer and this will be conventional.

Another conventionIi have noticed is that it is full of cuts and is montage edited which means that my trailer does not have to have any chronological sequence. the main aim of this trailer is to give the audience a brief idea of the plot whilst also at the same time not giving away too much of the plot.

The use of big budget editing is something that I will not be able to achieve, but i will be taking some of their slow motion ideas and applying them to my trailer. Finally I will be going to watch this on the 16th of july when it is released to get more ideas for my trailer.

1 comment:

  1. You need to do a much more detailed analysis of this trailer using media terminology Greg. Break the analysis up into camerawork, sound, editing techniques, mise-en-scene and special effects. Use this formula to analyse all your moving image work.

    This is a very sophisticated trailer because the film cost so much. Your budget is significantly lower so you will have to be realistic when creating your trailer! That doesn't mean to say that you won't be able to create something amazing.
