Friday 15 October 2010

'How are males represented in the trailer for 'BadBoys'

During the BadBoys trailer Martin Lawrence and Will Smith are represented in many ways to please and satisfy different target audiences. Firstly we see the actors on a high building with both of their shirts open, this is portraying them to be sexy and attractive, which must be aimed to a female audience as men are more interested in the action than the looks of the actors. Whereas women will be more interested in how the actors look, this may sway them to watch the film.

We then see Will Smith in an action shot with a gun in his hand. This represents power and shows him as a fearless figure being represented like this is more stereotypical about policemen or 'cops' in America. Again this links back to the first picture as his shirt is still open so whilst trying to create action for the male audiences they are also trying to attract a female audience, by having some flesh on show.

Following this we then see Martian Lawrence shooting a hole in a door, this shows him as being careless and a care free attitude, this is another typical stereotype of males in this thriller genre they are seen as careless and almost 'cocky'. This shot backs up the representation of power in the previous paragraph.

After we see Martian lawrence and Will Smith comparing body counts and how many people they have killed since the job began. This represents both characters to be competitive and also shows that they have big egos. In this shot we see both actors trying to do on better than the other which is typical for these types of films, there is always competition between the actors and a small subplot.

We then see both actors entering a house and Will Smith says ' Don't be alarmed were Negroes' followed by Martian Lawrence saying 'we need to sounds like them, we was wondering if we could borrow a cup of brown sugar' this shows the pair as being jokers and represents there care free attitude as we assume them to be in a dangerous environment as they are both carrying their guns. As we get further into the trailer I think we loose the directors intent on getting the female audience.

After we see Martian Lawrence punching someone who we assume to be a bad guy. This is the first real piece of violence that we see, this shows that even though they seen to be a comical joking pair they have a violent side to them making them almost unpredictable as the audience does not know if they are being serious or joking. This is another typical stereotype for this genre. You cannot have a thriller film without violence.

We then see Will smith diving through the air to save a girl in a gun fight, this represents him as being heroic. Again in these types of films we always have some heroic action and this backs up the careless representation and show that he will do anything for his job. Another representation for this shot is commitment he is committed to his job.

In conclusion I believe that in this trailer the male actors are represented as, attractive, powerful, careless, competitive, comical, violent and finally heroic. I will be using these representations in my trailer and trying to experiment with some other representations.

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