Monday 29 November 2010

another version...

Ive added some more music to this version not sure if I like it yet but I will be getting some audience feedback and that will allow me to get a second opinion.

Sunday 28 November 2010

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My media product has been kept very conventional as possible I have used two of what i deem to be the best thriller trailers. Using these I have looked at some of the key elements that I think are affective such as the slow motion shots in transporter this can be done but I would like to find a way that i can use if with effect rather than just using it because it looks good.

Also I would like to add a fast montage edit scene into my trailer these are used for action scenes but I would like to challenge this and combined it with a love interest story. So i believe that so far my media product is conventional with the use of flash edits and cuts but I also believe that I can challenge these conventions with my new pieces of filming.

How have you used new media technologies in the research, planning, construction and evaluation stages?

Throughout my project I have tried to use technology as much as I could. I believe that this is important for a media student as this is where new media is going to come from, the advances on current technology.

Using Imovie 9 to edit on may be a simple piece of editing software, but it does allow you to do most of the main editing techniques needed for a trailer. Having the ability to cut and crop clips on the computer takes seconds. Whereas if we did not have this technology we would be stuck cutting and sticking pieces of film, Which is time consuming and tedious. Imovies also allows you to do voiceovers straight onto your film, this allows you to place the voiceover exactly where you want it within seconds of recording it.

It also allows you to publish your work straight you youtube or to Itunes which makes uploading my videos to blogger very simple. Also the use of the internet in the research part of my coursework has been very helpful as it allowed me to go onto Youtube and look at other conventional trailers in my thriller genre which I could then analyse.

Moving on to the video camera I have been using a Panasonic HD camera which is amazing, high definition makes the image so clear and crisp. This may be a disadvantage for some types of genre but for a thriller trailer it is perfect. Also I have used Itunes to import music on to my trailer digital music makes the life of media students so much easier.

Again Imovie 9 will allow me to record my audience feed back on my new conventional piece of filming, i will be producing voice overs and video interview. I find doing these types of audience feedback will be more affective than an simple and boring questionnaire.

Other pieces of technology used such as my mobile phone which had been used to contact my actors from my call sheet, without this it would be hard to get hold and arrange meeting with my actors.

If we did not have these types of new media we would be limited to our creative ability and for a media student being limited creativity is the most frustrating thing in the world.

some more filming and some OCD editing

After the snow disaster this did give me a chance to edit my new footage. Whilst doing this I made sure I was checking back to my Badboys 2 trailer and also the Transporter 3 trailer to make sure I was including all of the conventional elements in my trailer. As you can see i have added some new shots, music and titles.

I detest snow...

I had the entire days filming planned for saturday going to the airport and going up in a plane... but due to snow and ice the planes could not fly. This has left me abit frustrated, but none the less i managed to do some filming at my house that night so it wasn't a wasted day after all..

Thursday 18 November 2010

Whats next...

Well plans for next weekend are to go to Cranfield Airport to do some filming in a plane. I have organised to go up with my dad to get some shots of a runway and the cockpit. These shots will be used to give the audience an idea that the drug dealer mat be leaving the country.

As most of my filming has been done at night I may do some filming in the day tomorrow inside of my car. I plan to shoot some shots of character talking in the car and also try to create a police chase scene.

Overall I am happy with my progress so far and i believe that when it is done it will have been done to the best of my ability.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

busy busy busy

Well the week has been full of filming and editing but ive come up with yet another version of the trailer. As you can see ive added some new clips and edits whilst adding music over the top of some clips. enjoy.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

some more footage and editing

This is my new version of my trailer this includes my scenes that were filmed at the police station. I have added some flash edits to resemble some flash backs. Next week I plan to do some filming in an aeroplane at night time.