Sunday 28 November 2010

How have you used new media technologies in the research, planning, construction and evaluation stages?

Throughout my project I have tried to use technology as much as I could. I believe that this is important for a media student as this is where new media is going to come from, the advances on current technology.

Using Imovie 9 to edit on may be a simple piece of editing software, but it does allow you to do most of the main editing techniques needed for a trailer. Having the ability to cut and crop clips on the computer takes seconds. Whereas if we did not have this technology we would be stuck cutting and sticking pieces of film, Which is time consuming and tedious. Imovies also allows you to do voiceovers straight onto your film, this allows you to place the voiceover exactly where you want it within seconds of recording it.

It also allows you to publish your work straight you youtube or to Itunes which makes uploading my videos to blogger very simple. Also the use of the internet in the research part of my coursework has been very helpful as it allowed me to go onto Youtube and look at other conventional trailers in my thriller genre which I could then analyse.

Moving on to the video camera I have been using a Panasonic HD camera which is amazing, high definition makes the image so clear and crisp. This may be a disadvantage for some types of genre but for a thriller trailer it is perfect. Also I have used Itunes to import music on to my trailer digital music makes the life of media students so much easier.

Again Imovie 9 will allow me to record my audience feed back on my new conventional piece of filming, i will be producing voice overs and video interview. I find doing these types of audience feedback will be more affective than an simple and boring questionnaire.

Other pieces of technology used such as my mobile phone which had been used to contact my actors from my call sheet, without this it would be hard to get hold and arrange meeting with my actors.

If we did not have these types of new media we would be limited to our creative ability and for a media student being limited creativity is the most frustrating thing in the world.

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